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At Bursa Çimento, Processes are monitored and measured at every stage, starting from input products. All activities are carried out in compliance with standards and are continuously improved.
The investments made utilize the most modern technologies. Customer relationships are meticulously monitored, and expectations and satisfaction are measured through customer visits and surveys. Continuous improvement is pursued in supplier relationships based on the philosophy of ongoing development.

Bursa Çimento, which defines the encouragement of its employees' creativity and participation at every stage of its operations and the development of a sense of belonging as an indispensable mission, promotes participation through the implemented Suggestion System. The Quality Management System, Environmental Management System, Occupational Health and Safety Management System, Energy Management System, Customer Satisfaction Management System, and Laboratory Accreditation System are all focused on continuous development in the company.

In addition to the cement plant established in Bursa, Bursa Çimento Factory A.Ş. also has a Cement Mixing and Packaging Facility established in Kütahya.

To summarize our activities briefly;

Raw Materials and Auxiliary Materials:
Bursa Cement Factory obtains the limestone and clay it requires from quarries, extracting the limestone through blasting methods. Clay is either transported from nearby clay fields to the factory or recycled using excavated soil from construction activities in Bursa. Auxiliary materials such as gypsum, pozzolana, sand, and iron ore/calcined pyrite are procured through suppliers. Fly ash, used as an additive in cement, is supplied by affiliated companies, formerly known as Ares and Tunçkül, as well as other suppliers.

Raw Material Preparation (Crushing):
The raw materials and additives (limestone, pozzolana, gypsum) brought from the quarries are crushed in separate crushers to reduce their size. Clay/excavated soil is screened in the wobble screen facility and stored in the designated halls within the stockyard. Sand is also stored in the stockyard for later use.

Fuel Preparation:
Our primary fuel is coal, with natural gas used as a supplementary fuel. Additionally, solid wastes classified as alternative fuels (such as contaminated waste, End-of-life tire (ELT) etc.) are processed (shredding and separation) in the RDF Facility and fed into the system through the calciner section of rotary kilns. Liquid wastes (such as bilge oil and waste oil) are introduced into the system through the flame tube of rotary kilns. Coal sourced domestically and internationally is homogenized in the Coal Pre-Homogenization Facility, ground in coal mills, and stored in silos before being burned in rotary kilns.

Energy Production:
Electricity is obtained by recovering the waste heat emitted from the rotary kilns. The steam obtained from the PH and AQC boilers is sent to the turbine, causing the turbine blades to rotate and transfer motion to the generator, producing electricity. Through this facility, approximately 20-25% of the factory's electricity needs are met by the Waste Heat Energy Production Facility. This investment will result in an annual reduction of approximately 28,000 tons of CO2 emissions.

Farin Preparation (Grinding):
The limestone, clay/excavated soil, iron ore/calcined pyrite, and sand (if required) stored in designated stockpile halls in appropriate sizes are fed into the mills in ratios determined by the material composition. This is achieved using the On-Line Sampling and Analysis Device, POLAB AOT. Based on these determinations, the materials are fed into raw mills where drying and grinding processes are carried out. The raw meal produced in the mills is first transferred to Raw Meal Storage Silos and then to Raw Meal Homogenization Silos.

Clinker Production (Firing):
The farin taken from the Farin Homogenization Silos is fired at temperatures between approximately 1,350 °C and 1,450 °C in rotary kilns with preheaters, using coal as the main fuel and natural gas and alternative fuels (waste oil, contaminated waste, etc.) as auxiliary fuels. When the clinker is discharged into the clinker cooler, it is stored either in the clinker silo or in open storage areas, having been cooled to approximately 100 °C.

Cement Production (Grinding):
The clinker is ground together with a certain amount of gypsum and various proportions and types of additives (limestone, pozzolan, fly ash) based on the type of cement to be produced, and the resulting cement is stored separately in cement silos according to its types.

Cement is sold in bulk, in kraft bags, big-bags, and sling-bags, separated by types.

While carrying out all these activities, Bursa Çimento utilizes the latest technologies and effectively implements all maintenance activities to ensure process continuity. The Energy Management Unit at our factory conducts studies aimed at energy efficiency. Our company has won various awards in recent years at the Project Competitions organized by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey, aimed at the Efficient Use of Energy in Industrial Facilities.

Bursa Çimento has commissioned a new POLAB online sampling and analysis device from Thyssen Krupp Industrial Solutions for production lines in August 2015. This system consists of three automatic samplers and one pneumatic tube system working in connection with the laboratory. The POLAB AMT system in the laboratory prepares samples for analysis and, based on this analysis result, allows the appropriate feeding ratios of raw materials to the mills through special software (POLAB AQCnet software), controlling the mill feeds. The previously existing POLAB AOT system has been replaced by this new version. Through the adaptive mixture controller, the ratios of raw materials fed to the farin mills are adjusted to ensure the desired quality. The system automatically adjusts the constant material quality according to changing material characteristics due to its self-learning capability.

You can access the current flow chart summarizing our operational system by clicking the link below.

  Production Flow Chart
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