Bursa Çimento Fabrikası A.Ş.,
Adopts a human resources strategy that rapidly adapts to competitive conditions, continuously develops its competencies, and prioritizes employee satisfaction.
Our Policy
Bursa Çimento Fabrikası A.Ş. states that;
In order to quickly adapt to the new requirements of increasing competitive conditions, our human resources strategy is formed by the continuous development of the total competency pool of our employees, the provision of equipped personnel in accordance with the requirements of new working conditions, and ensuring employee satisfaction.
You can use the link below for your job applications.
In order to quickly adapt to the new requirements of increasing competitive conditions, our human resources strategy is formed by the continuous development of the total competency pool of our employees, the provision of equipped personnel in accordance with the requirements of new working conditions, and ensuring employee satisfaction.
You can use the link below for your job applications.