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Bursa Çimento Fabrikası A.Ş., Adopts a human resources strategy that rapidly adapts to competitive conditions, continuously develops its competencies, and prioritizes employee satisfaction.
Code of Ethics
  • Employees must act in accordance with laws, regulations, and internal company rules.
  • The protection of every employee's rights recognized by law is ensured. All personal rights of each employee are provided in a complete, accurate, and timely manner. A safe and healthy working environment is prepared.
  • Employees are treated fairly, and it is adopted to provide equal opportunities under equal conditions.
  • It is unacceptable for any employee to be subjected to discrimination, exclusion, intimidation, etc., or to engage in similar harassment.
  • It is unacceptable for any employee to be sexually, socially, or physically harassed or to engage in similar harassment.
  • Employees are expected to adopt and protect the name and reputation of Bursa Çimento.
  • Employees must work harmoniously with their colleagues and managers in the workplace, establish good and humane relations with individuals and organizations related to the workplace, and perform their jobs honestly and promptly. Employees should report any actions contrary to ethical principles in business to the Management with documentation.
  • Employees are obligated to protect the interests related to the business and workplace conducted by the Company and to avoid any behavior that may harm this interest. In this context, employees cannot use Company resources for personal gain; they cannot engage in any illegal attitudes and behaviors, and they must report any offers that provide benefits to them to the Management.
  • Employees cannot accept official or private, permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid assignments without permission from the organization and cannot engage in trade.
  • Employees must keep confidential any information and secrets they learn regarding the business and the organization, whether related to their duties or not. Secrets, information, or documents related to them cannot be given or disclosed to unauthorized persons or authorities. This obligation continues even after the employee's relationship with the organization ends.
  • Employees are obligated to timely notify and submit any changes related to their family, marital status, and address, as well as personal information regarding rights and obligations regulated in contracts and/or regulations, along with the supporting documents, to the Human Resources Unit.
  • Personal information of employees and job applicants is kept confidential/protected.
  • Every employee's suggestion for the development of the organization and processes is seen as an opportunity and is communicated to the relevant unit manager.
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