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Bursa Çimento Fabrikası A.Ş. was established as a publicly traded joint-stock company on July 14, 1966. It continues to maintain this status and is traded on Borsa İstanbul (BIST). By making continuous investments, it has increased its production capacity to 1,400,000 tons of clinker and 2,850,000 tons of cement grinding capacity.

Cement Orders
You can place your order right now.

Waste Acceptance
Our Criteria and Waste Acceptance List

Testing Services
Our Testing Services Provided to Organizations
Sustainability Management As Bursa Çimento Fabrikası A.Ş., we fulfill our environmental, economic, and social responsibilities through our sustainability strategies. Our Sustainability Committee has been established to coordinate activities in these areas and to contribute to the sustainable growth of our company. Our Corporate Sustainability Efforts In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, each aimed at leading the world toward a sustainable future, Bursa Çimento Fabrikası A.Ş. has created a comprehensive roadmap with our employees. In this process, we first organized extensive foundational training programs to enhance our employees' knowledge in environmental responsibility, social contribution, and economic sustainability. These training sessions have enabled our employees to gain in-depth knowledge on sustainability.
Bursa Çimento monitors and measures processes at every stage, starting with input products. All activities are carried out in accordance with standards and are continuously improved. With ongoing investments, the most modern technologies are utilized. Customer relations are meticulously tracked, and expectations and satisfaction are measured through customer visits and surveys. In line with the philosophy of continuous improvement, efforts are ongoing in supplier relations as well.
In order to quickly adapt to the new requirements of increasing competitive conditions, our human resources strategy is based on the continuous development of our employees' overall skill set, the recruitment of personnel equipped in line with the needs of new working conditions, and ensuring employee satisfaction.

Investor Guide

Code of Ethics
Duties and Working Principles of the Corporate Governance Committee
Duties and Working Principles of the Audit Committee
Risk Early Detection Committee Terms of Reference and Working Principles
Information Regarding Preferred Shares
Final Version of the Articles of Association
Material Disclosures (PDP)
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